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The Iconic Rebel of Hollywood Movies Returns

It has been almost six decades since the tragic death of the iconic rebel of Hollywood movies and still we are all awaiting the next James Dean. During the span of his career, James Dean has only made three Hollywood movies – East of Eden (1955) in which he portrayed the biblical bad boy brother in the retelling of the “Cain and Abel” story, his signature role as an angst-fueled juvenile in Rebel Without A Cause (1955), and Giant (1956) where he stepped into the cowboy boots of a maverick ranch hand. His works are now unequivocal classics among Hollywood movies.


James Dean was only 24 years old when he was cruising down Route 466 in his Porsche 550 Spyder when it collided with a car cutting his career and life short. Despite his premature death, his legacy and iconic status lives on where he came to epitomize the sensitive, distraught rebel who many continue to relate to until this day. Taking a fleeting look at the man behind the brooding sex symbol of Hollywood movies is director Anton Corbijn in his latest movie LIFE.


James Dean Hollywood movies


Starring Robert Pattinson who plays young Life magazine photographer Dennis Stock and Dane DeHaan who plays Dean during his up-and-coming days. The then-unknown James Dean was on the verge of opening his new film East of Eden to become one of the biggest Hollywood stars of all time, and Stock chronicled their road trip together. Travelling between Los Angeles, New York, and James Dean’s home town in Indiana, the magazine spread by Stock gives us an inside look at some of Hollywood’s most iconic images and into the life of a gifted but troubled man.


For the fans of the icon looking to catch a glimpse of the real James Dean, Life will be in select cinemas this December 31st. Available at GSC Mid Valley, GSC 1Utama, and GSC Gurney Plaza, Penang.


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