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Values penetrate the film industry

When the word feminism comes to mind, what do you think or feel about it? Many might not relate to it, but some heavily do. This upcoming movie might open your eyes to better understand feminism. A book titled ‘Ishhorer Ichhe Nei Boley’ provoked rethinking of values of women in South Asia, so as to become a popular story about a fictional character named ‘Sutopa Thikana’ to finally became a cinema movie.It is rare that a movie emerges from South Asia, without any commercial stars. But this March, your local film distribution company GSC Movies presents ‘Her Own Address’, a movie from the independent film-maker, Proshoon Rahman.

Her own address introduces values in the film industry

‘Her Own Address’ raises the feminism issue across media, and reveals a sympathetic story of Sutopa as an adolescent girl, a married woman, a widow and an old lady. Sutopa does not live for her own, and she relies on a manduring different stages of her life, whether it may be her father, husband, or her son.

Under globalisation, feminism is not just about women, it’s about letting all people have their equal rights, and hence ‘Her Own Address’ has the chance to be shown on movie screens and across the regional cinema industry. Sutopa realizes her strength of being a woman when she reaches the middle-age, and starts to find her own journey. For most women in South Asia, this movie shows the possibilities how a woman can be strong in their own unque way, and it is worth to watch if feminism is word you don’t quite relate to.

Her own address brings values in the film industry

‘Her Own Address’ is not just bringing you cinematic entertainment, but also meaningful message behind it all.GSC Movies is your one stop for your latest moviesand the best of the Malaysian film industry! Check out the scoops on coming soon movies, new movie in cinema and movie trailers! Remember to like, follow, and subscribe GSC Movies on Facebook, Google+, Twitter and YouTube.