• PI| GSC Movies | Films Distributors |Malaysia
  • BAYOU| GSC Movies | Films Distributors |Malaysia
  • AB| GSC Movies | Films Distributors |Malaysia
  • GSCM ORI| GSC Movies | Films Distributors |Malaysia
  • LOST | GSC Movies | Films Distributors |Malaysia
  • Malaysia movies provider | Leading movie distribution company

    Stills of “The Peacekeeping Squad” published

    Jackie Chan values brotherhood more than anything   Directed by the renowned Hong Kong director Daniel Lee, starring Jackie Chan who also acts as executive producer, Hollywood star John ...

  • Malaysia movies provider | Leading movie distribution company

    Malaysia’s Leading Movie Distributor GSC Movies presents Manisnya Cinta Di Cappadocia

    If you’re a fan of romantic comedies, you are bound to have seen numerous heart-swelling romance movies within the year that have swept you off your feet, including the swoon-worthy Love, Rosie ...

  • Malaysia movies provider | Leading movie distribution company

    Hong Kong Movie Director John Woo: Poetry in Action

    Explosions, hand-to-hand combat, gun fights, vehicle chases are all the elements that make up the bread and butter of the movie industry, draw big headlines and achieve record breaking ticket ...

  • Malaysia movies provider | Leading movie distribution company

    Lelaki Harapan Dunia Gala Premiere

    Lelaki Harapan Dunia gala premiere at GSC Pavilion KL on 24 November 2014.
