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Save yourself from an earthquake!

Many believe that deadliest natural disasters like flood, tsunami, volcanic eruption and earthquake will bring about the end of the world. It is often hard to predict where or when it will happen especially an earthquake.


Hence, there is never a shortage of heart-breaking earthquake news in our real life, and also movies. Therefore, we should always be prepared so that we can to avoid the worst. Here are some safety tips which you should never miss.


earthquake movie

Photo credits: GSC Movies


Safety Tips #1 – Be prepared and do not panic during an earthquake!


Well, if an earthquake is really happening, then what should we do? First of all, don’t be panic!


You should escape from the building or stay away from big trees and powerlines once the earthquake struck. Move to open spaces like an empty field! This can prevent you from getting hit by heavy and massive objects.


And remember! Grab your emergency kit with you when you leave your house! Pack some food, water, first aid kit, a fully charged power bank, mobile phone, important documents like identity and medical card before an earthquake could possibly happen.


But if the shaking is getting gradually worse, then you should stay indoors as rushing outside will be a bad idea in that situation as you might get hurt while you are trying to escape from one danger to another. You should mark for some safety spots in your house before an earthquake hits in case you do not have enough time to escape from the building.


You can choose the spots according to the “Triangle of Life” or “Duck, Cover, and Hold” method. So that while an earthquake strikes, you can run to the safety spots you marked beforehand and wait until the shaking reduce. Make sure you cover your head, that way you can protect yourself from the falling objects.


earthquake safety tips

Photo credits: Emergency Live & National Service Training Program


Safety Tips #2 – seek help after the earthquake has stopped!


After the earthquake stops, you should calm yourself down first! Because things always go wrong when you are nervous and flustered. You should go to an emergency evacuation point near to your location with your emergency kit! Try to get in touch with your family (if they are not with you) after you save yourself from the earthquake. We are sure that they are worried about you.


But if you are injured or trapped under massive objects, the safety tips is that you should stay still in order to save your energy and keep yourself away from any unwanted danger. Use your mobile phone to call for help if the signal is good or shout for help.


earthquake movie

Photo credits: GSC Movies


Always be sensitive with your surroundings and prep yourself with survival instincts. These safety tips can save your life from a devastating earthquake. Even though we never wish to be involved in any disasters, But who knows? It is better for us to be well-prepared all the time so that miracles can happen to us even if we are trapped in a destructive earthquake.


Learn how to save yourself from an earthquake!


Don’t miss the latest movie “The Quake” which talks about the professional geologist and his family who is well-equipped with the survival knowledge when an earthquake struck!


earthquake movie scene

Photo credits: GSC Movies


Following The Wave, the same production team has produced the latest catastrophe movie, The Quake. A geologist, Kristian Eikjord is a survivor of the gigantic tsunami in the previous movie, The Wave. This traumatic experience leads to his decision to live in a remote area which is far away from the city and away from his beloved family. But when he pays his family a visit in Oslo, an unexpected earthquake hits the town.


Will the geologist and his family be lucky enough this time to escape the disaster once again? Do not miss the most-anticipated sequel, The Quake hitting cinemas 28 March! We bet the nail-biting suspension will leave you at the edge of your seats!



earthquake movie The Quake sequel poster


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