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Seth Rogen’s comedy movies make you LOL!

Laugh out loud is surely one of the best methods to relax your mind and reduce anxiety. Living among the hustle and bustle of a city, we need to relieve our stress for a healthy lifestyle. Hence, a laughter-provoking comedy movie is the best medicine. It can definitely help you to flush your stress away.


But where to find a laughter-provoking comedy movie? Well, Seth Rogen’s comedy movies are certainly good choices to make! Seth Rogen has started his comedian career since his teenage years. He is one of the famous veteran comedians who never fail to let you end up laughing like a drain. Hence, let us take a look at some of his funniest comedy movies.


comedy movies

Photo credits: AceShowbiz.com


Paul: an alien lands in one of the comedy movies!


Bump into an alien is an extraordinary incident, but having a conversation with an alien by speaking the human language is even more unbelievable! In this comedy movie, there are two British geeks starring Nick Frost and Simon Pegg encounter an alien outside of Area 51 during their road trip in the U.S.


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Photo credits: thegolfclub.info


Guess what! The alien they met is Paul starring Seth Rogen. Three of them are having a hard time to hide under federal agents’ radar, and also elude the pursuer of the father of a young woman that they accidentally kidnap. With all the whimsical and yet funny scenes, Paul is one of the best comedy movies!


This is the End: catastrophic events happen in one of the comedy movies!


Bet you can’t stop laughing when you’re watching this comedy movie. It is certainly one of the unusual comedy movies since all of the actors and actresses play as themselves in the movie. Seth Rogen is one of the guests inviting by James Franco to a huge party. But things get weird when people are having fun at the party.


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Photo credits: ccpopculture


Here come the hilarious moments when the guests find out there is a gigantic burning sinkhole in Franco’s garden. After a series of devastating events happened, they decide to get out of Franco’s house to seek help. With all the hysterically funny scenes, this comedy movie is certainly one of the best choices for you to relieve stress.


Long Shot: the unlikely pair in one of the comedy movies!


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Photo credits: GSC Movies


Wonder what will happen if a presidential candidate dates an overdramatic journalist? In the upcoming movie of Seth Rogen, Long Shot, he plays as a journalist who is about to get fired because of his overdramatic personality, while Charlize Theron plays as the stunning presidential candidate. They meet each other at a party by chance. At that time, Seth Rogen finds out his first crush who used to babysit him, is such an influential person now!


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Photo credits: GSC Movies


There are lots of hilarious and yet romantic moments among Seth Rogen and Charlize Theron after she offers him a golden job opportunity as her scriptwriter. Check out what will happen in their life at the end in Long Shot sending love and laughter to cinemas 2 May. This is surely one of the best romantic comedy movies that not to be missed!


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