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The creepy truth on how your brain works when you take a selfie.

Are you one of the people who continually feel the need to post “selfies” or picture of yourself in the online social sphere? If you think so, then there’s something you need to know.

Recent studies have confirmed that a mental condition of obsessive selfie-taking is actually existent. From this validated analysis, the term “selfitis” was coined to refer to the mental condition wherein people feel the need or obsession to take a picture of themselves and post it on social media.

Scary truth is that this condition has been classified as a disorder. It even has verified levels or scale. If you are taking selfies at least three times a day but not posting them online, condition is on the borderline scale. While the uncontrollable urge for selfie shots round the clock and posting them for more than six times a day is sure to be a chronic stage.

This discovery, though alarming, could be seen as somehow common especially at this day and age. But come to think of this: Can a severe case actually happen in real life? Can there be some consequences? Or yet, are hallucinations possible?

For Julia (Meelah Adams) of the new horror movie Selfie From Hell, it comes to a point where supernatural things interfere with her selfie-ruled lifestyle.

Horror movie

Photosource: https://www.kino.de

Are you brave enough to handle the situation when your selfie shots are capturing more than just your own face? Can technology be a medium for some creepy supernatural phenomenon?

Experience a different kind of panic from just a simple selfie in one of this year’s new movie releases, Selfie From Hell. Update your movie list with a scary movie that will make your brain work double time this summer.

Horror movie

Starting from a viral video with around 20 million views, Selfie From Hell is now a new movie in cinema. Get your heart beat faster in one of this year’s horror movies Selfie From Hell directed by Erdal Ceylan. The film is starred by Meelah Adams, Alyson Walker, Tony Giroux and Ian Butcher.


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