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Nothing Is What It Seems, But You Can Trust Your Eyes When Reading About the Upcoming Malaysia Movie, Interchange!

Do you love fantasy thrillers that take you on a mind-blowing journey until the end? The latest Malaysia movie Interchange is coming to distort your thought process this 1st Dec! Take a sneak peek of this mystery-filled thriller brought to you by the number 1 movie distribution company in Malaysia, GSC Movies.


Interchange, GCS Movies




The story of Interchange follows a forensics photographer and a detective investigating on an intriguing chain of murders arising in the city. Their path crosses with Iva and her tribe spirit, which appears in human form, who are on a quest to free the souls of her tribesmen trapped in a glass plate negative. Soon after, they are introduced into the crazy world of shamans, superstitions and supernatural beings.



The upcoming Malaysia movie is participating in the 10th Five Flavours Film Festival held at Warsaw this November 2016. It got nominated for Best Film Award under the New Asian Cinema category, competing with 10 other rivals coming from the most diverse parts of Asia.



Interchange, GSC Movies Malaysia
Group photo with the director and the cast. |Photo courtesy of Cinema.com



Interchange was brought to life by the great Dain Said. Dain Said is known for creating phenomenal movies in Malaysia; Bunohan, 2012, got thirteen nominations and eight awards during the 25th Malaysian Film Festival, and was a Malaysia movie entry in the Academy Awards; and Dukun, 2007, a critical film based on a true story murder of a Malaysian politician by a one-time famous Malaysian singer.



The cast of Interchange is a confluence of All-star Malaysian and Indonesian actors. The main lead of the film, Iedil Putra, has a total of 10 Malay movies in his resume. He is most recognized for his roles in Ngorat and Nova.


Prisia Nasution is an Indonesian model turned actress. After retiring from modelling, she surfaced as the lead role of the Indonesian film, Sang Penari.


Get your ‘fangirling’ goggles on, because guess what, Iedil and Prisia are married! The two met and fell in love while filming on set and has married earlier this year.


Detective Man, played by Shaheizy Sam is a Malaysian actor who rose into fame with the movie Bohsia: Jangan Pilih Jalan Hitam in 2009, and Adnan Semp-it, a box office hit, the following year.


The tribe spirit is played by Nicholas Saputra, another Indonesian model turned actor. He is recognized for his role as Rangga in  Ada Apa Dengan Cinta 1 and 2.


Let Adam and Iva blindly take you on their world of shamans and superstitions this 1st Dec!


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